Inbox Placement Tests

Know where your emails land. Get real-time insights into where your emails land across various email providers.

Network of inboxes

Send test emails to our network of inboxes across various email providers to see where your emails land and identify any deliverability issues.

Inbox Placement Reports

Get real-time insights into where your emails land, including inbox, spam, and take actionable steps to improve your email deliverability.

No more guesswork

Real-time insights

Ever wondered where your emails land? Get real-time insights into your email deliverability.

It's just one easy step. Send a test email and receive a breakdown of your inbox placement score.
Boost your email deliverability by identifying and resolving any deliverability issues. Improve your sender reputation and increase your open rates by landing in the inbox.
Blacklist check results screenshot

Everything you need to power up your email game in one place.

Start now for free. No credit card required.